Balance bikes are built without pedals, so that your toddler's feet are always on the ground. Not only does this create a safer environment, reducing the risk of a fall, but it allows your child to learn essential motor skills, such as balance and coordination.Technical SpecificationsBearings: 6001 Steel CartidgeHandlebars: Soft Silica Gell GripsRims: 12"Tyres: Rubber Tyres 12"Hub: Plastic HubSizes: 12"Assembled Dimensions: 84 x 37 x 59 (L x W x H, cm)Box Dimension: 57.5 x 16 x 32.5(L x W x H, cm)Net Weight: 3.8kgSeat Height: 32cm/40cm (Min/Max)
- Product Color
- Blue
- Carton Height
- 32.5
- Carton Length
- 57.5
- 0.0299
- Brand Name
- Progear