GOMINIMO 3 Wheels Baby Balance Bike (Yellow)GO-BBK-102-JDFeaturesIt helps cultivate children's ability to balance, turn, coordinate, and gain confidence from a very young ageSafe to ride and easy to install: Children's bicycles do not have pedals and have fully widened closed wheels to avoid pinching the baby's feet.Durable and comfortable design: The toddler balance car is equipped with sturdy carbon steel, anti slip handles, and soft support seats. The wheels of the mini balance bike are anti slip, wear-resistant, and non damaging to the floor, allowing babies to ride indoors or outdoors.Easy to assemble and carry: You can easily carry it to play. It has increased children's interest and there is no need to worry about them giving up, as they cannot move it without your help. SpecificationColour yellowPackaging Dimension 51*26*17CMProduct Dimension 50*21*38CMProduct Weight 1.95KGPackaging Weight 2KGMaterials EVA, carbon steel
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