Abusive Buyer Policy

Abusive buyer policy



Our abusive buyer policy outlines unacceptable buying behaviour.


Buyers may not intentionally misuse for Feedback, returns, buyer protection programs or payment dispute processes. Our full policy below outlines Martmox’s expectations for buyer behaviour.

Nothing in this policy is or is intended to affect buyer’s rights under the Australian Consumer Law, including rights you may have against the seller for a repair, replacement or refund of a product which does not comply with the consumer guarantees.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I report abusive behaviour?

You can report a buyer to us by selecting the button below:

Report a buyer

How to respond if I think a buyer is making an unreasonable demand?

You're not required to agree to any extra terms of your listing. If a buyer is making any demand that is not a part of your original listing, you'll be protected from negative Feedback and defects when you either deliver the item purchased by the buyer according to the original terms of your listing or cancel the transaction.

To help us identify buyers who are engaging in unacceptable or abusive buying behaviours, please report the abusive behaviour.

We encourage you to communicate politely and professionally with the buyer.

What is a payment dispute?

A payment dispute occurs when a buyer initiates a chargeback for a purchase transaction with his/her credit card issuer or payment service provider.

For more information, see handling payment disputes.


Abusive buyer policy overview

This policy outlines our expectations for buyer behaviour. When any buyer doesn’t meet these standards, sellers have the right to  report abusive behaviour.

The practice of engaging in the unacceptable behaviour outlined in this policy may result in a range of actions which, includes issuing warnings to buyers, blocking buyers from requesting returns or refunds using the Martmox marketplace platform. Any action against buyer does not prevent a buyer from exercising any legitimate right under the Australian Consumer Law, blocking buyers from opening claims through Martmox, and account suspension appeals.

During review of a report of a member violating our policies, we consider the circumstances, including the member's transactions history. Our decisions are based on the evidence in the individual situation, as well as by evaluating patterns of behaviour that result in a negative experience for users of Martmox marketplace. If we aren't sure about something about any reported matter, we may not take any action. Since we respect our members' privacy, we do not discuss or reveal the results of any investigations.


Why do we have this policy?

We want to make sure that Martmox is a safe and trusted place to sell and buy. In order to make Martmox a safe place to sell and buy, we expect our buyers and our sellers to maintain certain standards. If buyers don't follow these standards, we take action against buyers to protect our affected sellers. Our actions are proportional to the nature of the issue we have identified, and the reasonable protection required to safeguard the legitimate interests of not only the seller(s) and buyer(s) involved but also the legitimate experience and interests of all users of Martmox marketplace.