Adding Multiple Products

In case you want to add multiple products at one time, just login to your seller account using sign in button from the website. Now go to the toolbar in the bottom left corner to access seller panel as shown thre image. The toolbar menu allows to switch between seller panel and website. 


Follow the steps to achieve bulk product addition:

    • Go to Products → Products Tab
    • Click the gear button in the upper right part of the page
    • Choose Bulk product addition
    • Add products and fill the empty fields
    • Click create
bulk product

There are options to add or clone, add is used to add as many products as you want to whereas clone is used to add products with at least one similarity such category, product name, sale price, list price, status.

Adding products from category section

You can also add products from category section. Simply log on to your vendor account using sign in button from the website and switch to vendor panel from the three tabs in the bottom left corner.

Follow the steps to add products:

  • Go to Products → Categories Tab
  • Choose a category, you can dropdown to expand subcategories
  • Click gear icon against the category
  • Click add product add-product-from-category-section

The page for creating the product will open. Configure the product's necessary properties. The product properties can be edited at any time in the future. You can learn more about configuring product details by checking Product Listing page.

Import Products

You can also import a list of products directly from CSV file to product listing. Simply log on to your vendor account using sign in button from the website and switch to vendor panel from the three tabs in the bottom left corner.

Follow the steps to add products:

  • Go to Products → products tab
  • Hit the plus sign “+” sign in the top right corner
  • Select import products import-products
  • You are directed to a new page where you can view the currently installed presets. In order to import a new one:
  • Click the + button to add a new import preset
  • In File tab, choose a file (of CSV or XML format) that you’d like to import and enter the title of the preset
  • Click Next step: map fields

Note: If you upload an XML file, you’ll also need to specify an XML target node in the field with the same name. The structure of XML files is unique and intricate, and not all data must be imported.

Switch to the Fields mapping tab. This is where you specify how to interpret your imported file:

  • Match the columns or XML elements in the imported file with corresponding product properties.
  • Check the example of imported data to see if the matching is correct. Make sure that the imported data follows the field format of the corresponding product property.
  • If necessary, add a few modifiers. Modifiers are functions that help you change the imported data. Use the Modifiers list button to find out what modifiers exist and how to use them.
map columns to product property

You can learn more about configuring product field mapping by checking Field Mapping page.

Switch to the Settings tab. It contains settings related to import behavior.

  • Perform Test Import—enable this setting if you wish to import only the first five products from the file.
    That will let you see if everything is set up correctly. If something goes wrong, it's easier to delete or fix five products than to deal with 500 after a full import.
  • Import Strategy—choose whether to import all products or only some of them:
    • Import all products from the file—new products will be created, but if a product already exists (the existence is determined by product code), then it will be updated instead.
    • Update existing products only—skip any products that don’t exist in your store; only products that already exist will be updated.
    • Create new products only—skip any products that already exist in your store; only products that don’t exist in your store will be imported
  • The are Additional Settings hidden in settings tab
  • Delete existing files of downloadable products—if you enable this setting, then importing downloadable products will delete their existing files.
    When the setting is disabled, importing a file of a downloadable product doesn’t replace the existing files, but rather adds it alongside them.
  • Delete existing additional images—if you enable this setting, all the additional images of a product will be replaced with the images specified in the imported file.
    When the setting is disabled, importing additional images for a product doesn’t replace the existing additional images, but rather adds new images alongside the existing ones.
  • Delete existing attachment—if you enable this setting, then the existing attachments of the imported products will be replaced with the attachments specified in the imported file. If no attachments are specified, the old attachments will remain.

Click Import and wait until the file is importing. Once the file import is completed, be sure to check the new product listings. In case of any issue, contact us at