CSV Sheet Field Mapping

To import a CSV sheet, login to your seller account using the sign in button from the website. Now go to the toolbar in the bottom left corner to access the seller panel as shown in the image. The toolbar menu allows you to switch between the seller panel and website.


It is necessary to walk through each side of the seller panel before mapping the columns of the csv sheet with the product properties and features.

A category is the full path to the category of the product. Parent and child categories in the path must be separated from each other with the Category delimiter (>) for example, Home>Furniture>Tables that you specify when you import a CSV file with product data.

The category path is case sensitive therefore it is important to specify it properly otherwise, if the specified categories and subcategories don’t match with the categories in the database, the system will created as default so the product will not be appreaing on website.

To import a CSV sheet, there are several product properties. You can learn more about configuring product properties by checking Product Listing page. All these properties refer to a certain attribute of the product to be created. It is important that the csv sheet has all main properties such as product code, product name, category, price, quantity/stock, images. It can be seen that in the database a product property is included in brackets during field mapping during product import.

map columns to product property

Features are additional inseparable product properties. You can use them to add information that is specific to the products you sell such as color, size, brand, etc. A feature available in a root category is also available in its subcategories.

There is a separate tab on the left vertical menu for product features, Products → Features section that contains a list of all product features that are available on Martmox.


The two most common features are color and size. Category name is included in each feature's name for example, Color – Home, Size – Home, etc here color and size are features. It is recommeded that in csv sheet the column header of features must have same name as feature name in database, this will make it easier to map columns of csv sheet with the related features in database.

csv sheet

Variation group code serves to group variations. Color and size are applicable not only to a T-shirt, but to a hoodie as well. That’s why you need one group code for all colors and sizes of a T-shirt, and another code for all the colors and sizes of a hoodie.

Information about features. To group products as variations with Variation group code, 3 conditions must be met:

  • There must be features that allow creating variations — a Purpose that allows creating variations must be selected on the feature editing page. Purposes have descriptions to help figure out which purpose is the most suitable for the feature.
  • Every product that becomes a part of a variation group must have the variants specified for all the features that the group is based on. For example, if a product has a group code and the values for “Color”, then other products with the same group code also must have the color feature.
  • A common ID called variation group code that ties multiple product variations into one group. For example, if you sell a T-shirt with features like Size, then medium T-shirt and small T-shirt will be product variations. Both the product variation must have same code imn csv sheet.
product variation code

If you have further questions or in case of any issue, contact us at Martmox.com.au